Father’s Day Fun Facts

That special day for celebrating Dad is right around the corner. Let this be your reminder to start shopping for him now! Dads can spot a last-minute gift from a mile away.  

For those of you who’ve already bought your pop a present, we’ve collected some Father’s Day fun facts that may surprise you. From the origins of the day to its international observance to some of the more quirky bits of information about this paternal celebration, learn more about this special day. Enjoy! 

1. Father’s Day is Celebrated in More than 100 Countries Worldwide 

This one shouldn’t be too surprising. Every country is full of fathers and all great dads have earned their dues. 

Father’s Day traditions exist pretty much wherever people do, from Asia to Africa to Europe and beyond. Antarctica is the only continent that doesn’t have a noted celebration of dads, but if there are any out there currently, we extend our warmest Father’s Day wishes to each and every one of them. 

2. European Father’s Day Celebrations Extend Back to the Middle Ages

In America, Father’s Day has been celebrated on the third Sunday in June for over 100 years. That may sound like a long time, but celebrating dads (on March 19) had been a tradition of European Catholics for centuries when the festivities began on the other side of the Atlantic. 

Over the years, however, the American version of Father’s Day has gained quite a bit of popularity, with nearly 100 different countries recognizing it as a national day of observance. 

3. Father’s Day is the 4th Most Popular Day for Greeting Cards

The three above it? Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and…Mother’s Day. Ouch. Sorry dads, but moms outpace you in receiving well wishes from the kids to the tune of nearly 50 million more greeting cards every year. 

On the bright side, if your son or daughter does give you a Father’s Day card, you know you’re one of the lucky ones, right?    

4. The Rose is the Official Flower of Father’s Day

No, this is not a suggestion to buy your dad a bouquet for Father’s Day. He’d probably prefer another necktie over that. 

The official Father’s Day flower is actually part of an old tradition in which a son or daughter wore a red rose on their lapel if their father was still living and a white one if he had passed. It’s not too popular anymore, but it is still a sweet way to honor all of the dads who can and cannot be with us on their special day. 

5. Sonora Smart Todd is Considered to Be the “Mother of Father’s Day”

American Father’s Day festivities officially began taking place in the year 1910 when Sonora Smart Dodd convinced her local church to honor her Civil War veteran father — and fathers everywhere — each year on the third Sunday in June. 

She became determined to make a special day for dads when she heard a Mother’s Day sermon while she was at church with her father. That’s right, Mother’s Day came first. Chalk up another win for moms everywhere, we suppose! At least Mrs. Dodd knew that dads deserve recognition, too.  

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Paul Stella