Top Tips for Relaxing at Home

It is important to find ways to unwind, even if you just take ten minutes a day to do it. When you’re able to relax, your mind and body will be better equipped to tackle any challenge that life may bring!

When you notice that you are feeling tense, try one or more of the following methods for quick relaxation:

Change Your Environment

Your environment has an enormous effect on the way that your body feels. When you are feeling tense, engage in a pleasurable activity, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Try something like:

  • Reading
  • Watching a quick show on TV
  • Playing a game
  • Taking a shower

If you are at work, it’s still a great idea to pause every now and then. Step outside to get some fresh air and sunshine. Even taking a moment to appreciate the smell of the fresh air can be helpful for relaxing your body and mind.

Breathing Exercises

Paying attention to your breathing is one of the most reliable methods for relaxation. Take a few minutes and focus on the sensations of your breathing. Feel the air coming in and going out. Pause and hold your breath briefly, then let it out to a count of ten. You may notice that your muscles naturally relax, thus letting out tension you may not have known was there!


Anyone can meditate. Meditating is about finding mental exercises that can help you to quiet your internal monologue.

Sit in a quiet place and focus on the sensations of each moment. Do your best to let go of any anxious thoughts that arise. Instead of reacting to your thoughts or worries, just notice them.

Many people experience stress because they spend time thinking about the future or the past. Meditation is a way to practice letting go of these anxious thoughts and focusing on where you are in the present.

Use your senses. What colors do you see in the room? What scents tickle your nostrils? What quiet sounds do you hear? What can you reach out and touch?

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

The body stores our mental tension and anxiety, even when we are unaware that it is doing so. One effective way to relax is to purposefully engage and release each muscle group in your body, one at a time.

Start with the muscles in your feet and move upwards. Tighten each muscle group for several seconds and then release the tension. Reducing the tension in your muscles will naturally make you feel better and more relaxed.

Walk or Jog

Physical exercise is an excellent remedy for tension. Consider going for a quick walk or jog, even if it’s just for a few minutes on your lunch break. Not only will the fresh air feel good, but your body will release endorphins. These physical chemicals naturally relieve physiological tension. Physical exercise can also improve your psychological state, providing you with a more positive mindset.

Be Creative

Finding a creative endeavor can be a pleasing way to relax. Taking on a low-stakes task that you can complete in a short session is an excellent way to unwind.

Express Your Emotions

Articulating your feelings is a reliable way to decompress. Consider the following methods to express your emotions:

  •  Journaling
  •  Drawing or doodling
  • Talking with a trusted friend

No matter how you do it, expressing your feelings is an important part of mental health.

Cultivate a healthy body and state of mind by taking time out to relax. You’ll be glad that you did!

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Paul Stella